What's in the BMIS?

There are several sections to the BMIS. These include:

  • references (scientific and technical literature);
  • technical mitigation methods;
  • decisions by WCPFC and other management bodies;
  • links to other websites and documents of interest.

The references section focuses on seabird, shark and turtle bycatch mitigation methods relevant to the longline, purse seine, pole and line and troll tuna and billfish fisheries of the WCPO (and by extension, to similar oceanic fisheries around the world).

Reference types include peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals, meeting papers (including papers submitted to meetings of the WCPFC and its subsidiary bodies), project reports, fact sheets, and official guidelines from the WCPFC, CCMs, or other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs). The full citation and abstract are listed for each reference; key points have been added in some instances.

BMIS descriptions of mitigation methods summarize the latest knowledge on bycatch reduction methods. Descriptions may contain notes on cost, ease of deployment, need for further research and compliance issues.

The BMIS also houses links to WCPFC decisions (Resolutions and Conservation and Management Measures) and those of other RFMOs that refer to and/or require the use of particular mitigation methods to protect seabirds, sea turtles or sharks.

In addition, it is possible to search a list of target and bycatch species recorded in the WCPO Observer Database. Only those species that have been noted as 'caught by gear' are included. Scientific and common names, as well as Species Identification Codes, are tabulated.

The links tab is divided into sub-sections - Marine Turtles, Seabirds, Sharks, Asia Pacific, Gear, General, Identification and Handling Guides, Other Bycatch Databases, Research, RFMOs and Videos. Links to websites and documents of interest, such as International Plans of Actions for seabirds and sharks, SPC's Longline terminal gear identification guide and FAO's guidelines to reduce sea turtle mortality in fishing operations, can be found here.

Page Updated 7 Oct, 2014
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